10月8日,在日本大阪舉行的年度以太坊開發者大會Devcon 5上,企業以太坊聯盟(EEA)展示了其創建的獎勵代幣系統,由微軟和英特爾支持。
這是否意味著EEA內部要發行屬於自己的代幣呢?巴比特記者採訪了EEA中國區總負責人張衛家博士,他表示,這個獎勵代幣系統名為「Token Taxonomy Initiative」,簡稱「TTI」,由EEA發起,微軟主導。微軟和英特爾想用TTI協助關聯企業發行代幣,但EEA目前尚沒有發幣的計劃。
負責管理英特爾軟體和解決方案部門內區塊鏈計劃的Michael Reed表示:「用於激勵參與聯盟的代幣有3種,分別為獎勵代幣、聲譽代幣和罰款代幣。該系統可應用於任何聯盟來激勵團隊合作。」
談及多代幣的模型,筆者想起最近正在讀的《理想》這本書,其中收錄了Vitalik Buterin發表於2014年11月20日的《論比特幣的最高綱領主義以及貨幣和平台的網路效應》,文中寫道,Robert Sams首次提出了雙重代幣模型。不過比特股、Truthcoin和Vitalik都曾獨立發現了這個模型。
2018年3月,企業以太坊聯盟(Enterprise Ethereum Alliance,EEA)成立,這是一個由聯盟成員推動的一個標準組織。成員包括英特爾、摩根大通、Consensys等400多個互聯網、金融、科技與區塊鏈企業。在成立一年半的時間裡,EEA的動作不斷。
今年4月,EEA和微軟聯合主要區塊鏈提供商,推出「通證分類倡議」新項目,以幫助企業設計和創建適合其特定需求的加密通證。此項目參與者包括埃森哲、桑坦德銀行、區塊鏈研究所、Clearmatics、ConsenSys、Digital Asset、安永、IBM、荷蘭國際集團、英特爾、摩根大通、交易平台Komgo、微軟、R3和Web3 Labs等。
Ethereum Showing Signs of Life.
The Ethereum still looking primed for a move up into the we’re looking to the rest of the market to jump up again as well. ETH kicked this move off. During that time, a downward taper paired with a sharp move up perfectly showcased keen buyer interest showing up for the world’s number two digital asset. Since then, ETH bulls haven’t let prices slink much lower, despite the relative weakness of BTC since the VanEck SolidX ETF withdrawal. For the first time in forever, Ethereum has shown signs of life, reminding many of us that it’s still here. Despite going dark for nearly 1.5 years, the world’s number two digital asset is picking back up on a stride it lost long ago. Let’s pull back the curtain and take a look at why Ethereum appears to be back in favor, and what that might mean for its mid-term prospects.
Tether (USDT) is tying up Ethereum , but that’s a good thing.
At the beginning of the year, Tether’s handlers declared they would be moving USDT from Omni to the Ethereum blockchain. Tether does upwards of $15 billion in daily transaction volume , and is itself worth $4.1 billion (hopefully) cash-backed USDTs. Suffice to say that is a ton of network strain heading straight for the Ethereum blockchain. As the year progressed, Ethereum gradually started showing signs which belied that strain. This month, transaction wait times have resembled those of the Crypto Kitties days, with some users waiting days for transactions to finally confirm. The huge boost in network activity caused by millions of Tether transactions has led to near ATH gas fees. In response, Ethereum miners have moved toward increasing the gas limit, which would create more transaction throughput. It’s easy to point out that Ethereum is struggling to meet the demands of Tether’s move, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. In our view, we’re witnessing the beginning of Ethereum-based decentralized finance (DeFi), a much touted but hitherto unseen network potential. With real value moving onto the network in a permanent way, the emergence of demand for the Ethereum world computer comes as a relief. While other smart contract platforms have thrown their hats in the ring, it’s probable that high-stakes products like USDT will continue to choose a tried and true platform like Ethereum .
Ethereum 2.0 on track.
On June 13, developers reiterated their belief that Ethereum 2.0 is on track for a January 3, 2020 rollout.
As outlined in our recent analysis, ETH 2.0 will appear in several phases. Phase zero, which comes as the first most important implementation, will feature the launch of the proof of stake beacon chain. A switch to proof of stake will also mean lower gas fees and high transaction throughput, which should go some ways in ameliorating the aforementioned USDT situation. Additionally, Binance recently published a report showing Ethereum’s sheer dominance when it comes to hosting decentralized finance applications. EOS and BTC , the next closest competitors, have a lot of catching up to do. Ethereum outdoes them by hosting over 15x the amount of DeFi apps. From a network usage perspective, that’s a bullish sign for the future because DeFi apps use more complicated-than-usual smart contracts which, in turn, require more gas